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(Video) Top 5 Ways to Create Quality Backlinks For Your Blog [InfoGraphic].

Hey Friends wassup...!! Today I'm gonna tell you top 5 ways to create high quality backlinks for blog. Do you have a blog but is it not working like your dream blog, aww then what..?? Should we stop blogging or stop dreaming huhhh lol not at all, it's time to get in action and work hard. It's time to create backlinks for your blog and to create backlinks first of all we have to learn how to create backlinks for my blog. So keep calm and keep reading... :-)


What Are Backlinks ?

As we all know that how many websites or blogs we have on internet and every websites or blogs contains links. So the links from any website or blog which points to our website are known as Backlinks. Backlinks are of two types dofollow and nofollow backlinks. So we just have to learn about how to create dofollow backlinks for blog. Backlinks are really very important for SEO and to rank our website in seach engines, so it's better to learn how to make backlinks for blog now. There are really infinite ways to create backlinks for your blog but trust me only few methods will gonna help you out to get backlinks rest of all methods really sucks.

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So let's directly come to the point how to create backlinks for blog...

 Make Quality Backlinks for Blog


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Method 1st to create high quality backlinks for your blog            - Comments on high authority blogs...


This is really the best way to make backlinks for your blog. We can make backlinks by commenting on other blogs this method is known as build backlinks with blog comments.
In this method we don't have to do any tough work to make backlinks with comments on blog, just follow bellow given few steps to create Backlinks using blog comments..

Step 1 :- First of all we have to find blogs of our niche like if we have a blog about tech then we have to search tech blogs which have high page rank or alexa rank and then we just have to comment on them to build backlinks with blog comments.

Step 2 :- We have to search dofollow blogs or commentluv enabled blogs to get backlinks for your blog. Now the question is how to search blogs to create backlinks for my blog.

The best way to search blogs to get backlinks is using some websites or tools and I reffer you to use "Dropmylink". This is really a cool website/tool to search blogs to create backlinks. With this website we can search dofollow blogs, commentluv enabled blogs, or lots of new blogs which will help us to make backlinks for your blog.


First of all go to Dropmylink official website (link given above) and create a free account and then just login.
Now you just have to fill your blog post title in the 'Keyword' field and then bellow keyword field you'll see 'Find' option, now choose 'commentluv enabled blogs' option or 'dofollow comment blogs' option by drop down menu and then finally click on 'Search' option.


That's all now you'll be redirected to google, now just go to all websites one by one and make a comment and then just submit.
Note that you have to put your blog post link in 'website' filed when you are commenting on any blog.

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Method 2nd to build high quality backlinks for your blog :-  Copy Backlinks.

This really looks pretty cool, this method is really very simple to create backlinks for blog. In this method we just have to copy the backlinks of our niche blogs.


Step 1 :- First of all go to 'RankSignals' website, actually this is a tool which gives us the full data of any website we want without any cost means fully free. This toll provides us the list of backlinks of website which we have searched. Now after going on RankSignals, create a account and then login.

Step 2 :- Now you just have to put the site's   link in given box at home page which tell's you to enter site url and then click on 'Search' option.

Step 3 :- Now scroll down and you'll get list of backlinks, just go to every link one by one and then just comment on the opened blog page/website just like we have done in first method. With this method we can really get unlimited backlinks for blog.

There have so many tools another then Ranksignals which helps us to check backlinks, so that we can copy backlinks, like..

# Semrush
# AHrefs
# OpenLinkProfiler
# Backlink Watch
# Open Site Explorer
# Link Diagnosis

Method 3 to create Backlinks of blog :- Question/Answer.


This method is also very easy to create backlinks for your blog. Now we can get backlinks for blog by simply asking a question or by simply giving answer to any question. So agian the question is how to find websites to make questions and answer, we have highly ranked websites like Quora, Yahoo and Subreddits which allows us to ask any question or to answer any question to create Backlinks.

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Step 1 :- First of all go to all websites I mentioned above and make a free account and then login with it.

Step 2 :- So now we have to search question in these websites, question about which we have made a blog post or that post for which we want to create backlinks and then once we have found something related question then just post a answer with a link of your post at the end.

Step 3 :- For example, I want to make backlinks for my this post "How to create quality Backlinks for your blog" then I'll go to that question/answer websites and I'll search a question "how to create backlinks for my blog" and then I'll found a question related to this question then I'll just simply answer it with the link of my this post. Note that we have to answer the question perfectly or in easy way to make backlinks for your blog, give the important key points in answer and then in ending you can write "If you wanna know more about this then click on bellow given link".

Method 4th to build Backlinks for blog :- Guest Posting.


As we all know about Guest posting. Guest posting is really the great and powerfull way to build backlinks for your blog but lot's of people think that it is just waste of time. Guest posting is the highest time consuming way to get free backlinks but with it you can get high quality backlink for your blog. So we need to find high ranked blogs for guest posting.

Step 1 :- First of all search on google like this "Write for us + tech" or you can search in your niche instead of tech. Then you'll find lots of list's of guest post accepting blogs. Just go to blogs one by one and message the owner or CEO of the blog that you want to to write a post for their blog on this topic. Then you'll get reply and then just write a post for them that's all.
At the bottom of your guest post, it will show a smiple biography of you with a link to your blog. This is the backlink here which is really high quality backlink for your blog.

Method 5th to create high quality backlinks for blog :- Broken link method.


Broken link method is also the easiest way to get free backlinks in less time. As we all know that there are so many sites which works from long time ago and they have made same posts like us before which ranks high till now. So they must have used SEO to rank their blog means they have definitely used lots of external links to make post SEO friendly but it's not necessory that all of the external links works properly till now because we all know that daily thousands of blogs started new and thousands of blogs closed. So the links which are not working properly can be exchanged with another blogs like us so that we can create backlinks for our blog.

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So basically we have to search blogs which contains 'broken links' in the post which we also have written.

Step 1 :- Go to blogs which have same niche as yours or you can search on google like this..
"Your Keyword" + "inurl:links"
"Your Keyword" + "inurl:resources"
Then you'll get thousands of results just go to top websites and then search broken links.


Step 2 :- You should install broken link checker like "Check my link" plugin in your browser like chrome or firefox to search broken links.

Step 3 :- Now once you have opened blog, it will show you links in red colour means that links which are not working now.


Step 4 :- Now just again contact to blog's owner and tell them that in your this post there is this link is not working, I have written same article so you can link my blog post in place of broken link an we will get backlink for blog.

You can create High Quality Backlinks with link exchange method. Every Blogger or site owner wants high quality backlinks so contact with Blog owner on your niche and tell them that you want to exchange links with their website. There are also lot's of sites available for link exchange like Webtoolhub ect.

Anybody can make quality backlinks and rank their website in a short time period like for your motivation I wanna suggest you to look at these two websites Bloggingmotive and TechStant, these two blogs are really new but they are doing really awesome work in crafting link building strategies and I'm damn sure they will be ranked soon.

These are the top 5 Ways to get Backlinks for your blog. Now you can easily create backlinks for your blog.

If you are still having any problem regarding how to create backlinks for my blog then please feel free to comment bellow, I'll be glad to help you out.

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